Sunday, 29 March 2015

New Wearable Technology

Wearable technology is catching on more quickly in the enterprise IT than with consumers, largely because of the compelling business use cases
 There’s been a lot of awareness about wearables such as Google Glass, tracker and  smartwatch. Silicon Angle glass describes how wearable technology will take the enterprise IT . This article describes employee’s who bring their own gadgets to work, not only smart phones but also from smart glasses as well as multitude of smart and ever connected wearable objects.
Consider this example,if a google glass wearer walks into an airport,the device shows all the detailed information about the flight, its arrival,departure and current status.


 A smartwatch might seem like a purely consumer-facing device: This is used to keep track of their workouts and sleep cycles and it is also useful in business settings. In early days, the smartwatch can plays basic operations such as calculations,game playing etc. Nowadays,the smartwatch can behave as a wearable computer too.
Most of the smartwatches run mobile apps and function as portable media player and also perform FM radio,audio,video files to the user via bluetooth headset. Some smartwatches also known as watch phones, come with mobile phone capability that can make or answer phone calls.
Advantages of using smartphone is,waterproof upto 90 feet.

Wearable Devices?

Wearable devices are like mini computers that users can use on their bodies. Some devices may be used as clothing while some users  wear them as glasses and others are smartwatches.  
Smartphones and tablets can help employees do their jobs with more efficiency and productivity. The applications and services of these devices are easy to set up and use.They are many limitation in traditional IT that can manage applications and  services.

Wearable Computing Devices:

A wearable computer is an electronic device capable of storing and processing data that is incorporated into a person’s clothing and personal accessories
Wearable computing devices can monitor the heart rate, pedometer capabilities to advanced “smart” functions and the features that are similar to smartphones and smartwatches.
The more advanced wearable computing devices enable the specific wearer to take to read text messages,view pictures or video,respond to voice messages and calls,reading mails,and many more.
Apple iWatch and Google glasses may very soon get advanced wearable computing devices brought into the mainstream.
Wearable computing devices could also manage equipment independently such as safety for the workers,assembling machines. For environmental disaster work,the employees must wear protective suiting, a wearable device that offers hands-free access to vital data.
Sales personnel could take advantages of using wearable tech that can easily access information and also deliver customer service at the correct and short period of time.

Fitness Tracker:

The LifeTrak Brite R450 from Salutron is a new fitness tracker aimed in providing a comprehensive view of both fitness and health.
It is easy to view in direct sunlight.The display remains constant so that you can view the date and time without pressing any buttons.
The status bar fills up as you meet the day’s goals you set for yourself and the odometer that shows how far you’ve traveled that day. Press the button at the bottom and you can see how many steps you’ve taken and how many calories you’ve burned.
The top is used to display how active you’ve been on an hourly basis;If you press for second time,that shows the progress for the entire week. At the third time it show the Workout screen.
If the side button pressed at the same time simultaneously, the Sync Burn’s backlight turns on for a few seconds.

Smartglass, SmartWatch, Tracker, Which is better?

Watches, trackers and smart glasses all have their good place in different environments across industries. The Google Glass is suits for workers who needs to work hands-free such as healthcare workers,while smart watches have real potential to make a broad impact for remote workers.
For receiving notifications,share the comments and sign off all the documents with your colleagues all by using a watch that can transform business productivity.
The navigational trackers helps warehouse workers navigate vast environments  and also helps to drive efficiency and save time in locating goods and services.
 For More Information checkout

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