Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Best Mobile Live Streaming App Periscope Vs Meerkat

Smartphones plays a vital role in our day to day life. There is no area you can avoid those gadgets, as it is capable of providing you the best support as possible in all circumstances. Live Video or Live TV becomes a trend in these days, as most of the mobile phone and Smart TV supporting the stuff so elegantly. Hope you know, Sony initiated their Smart Live TV Service in USA at $50/Montly Subscription. Right after the app started ruling their respective candidates, most of us really depend a lot on those advanced widgets indeed. Not only Android, but also other major mobile operating system platforms started to provide better mobile application in all departments of leading effective life.

Real Time Video Playback: Live Streaming App:

There are ample of Live Streaming App are associated with Android, Windows, iOS and BlackBerry apps/play stores. Every day, the number could certainly rise for no reason, as we no. As sometimes the Social networks get so fed up (not exactly always) but at least during shutdown times (it really happens quite frequently in these days, don’t you experience it?). On this occasion, the Live Streaming App comes into play a vital role. This is the latest trend to assist you in getting the live streaming online videos on the go.
Best Mobile Live Streaming App Periscope Vs Meerkat
We have come up with an incredible Live Streaming App in iOS platform using which you can really add a wonderful pastime in your lifestyle. They are nothing but Periscope and Meerkat, both are supreme Live Streaming App available in the Google Play Store categorically. Let us have in depth comparison between these two apps for your betterment.
Both of the Live Streaming App will give you the option of viewing videos of others, but live is the distinctions from the rest streaming apps. You can get the option of experiencing new videos, distant event videos, including the live stuffs on the go! These two apps could really be so advanced than the cable news videos.

Meerkat Vs Periscope Live Streaming App:

You know, both these Live Streaming Apps are launched in iOS, don’t worry, there could really be a grand launch in Android platform as well in near future. Twitter is the great backing for the Periscope app, whereas the Meerkat has its own funding at its best regards. As the Google’s operating system dominates the Smartphone world, the early bird in Android platform has plenty of opportunities to win the race of top Live Streaming App.

Compatibility of Meerkat Vs Periscope:

Meerkat Live Streaming App:
While coming to the compatibility section of these two Live Streaming Apps, Meerkat is somewhat busier than the Periscope app, due to ample of notifications for your real time betterments. That includes the number of views of the respective video, title and its broadcaster name indeed. Not only that, the viewer’s profile (exactly the picture of them) can also be clearly visible from the top right corner of the app. Though the comment section provides better engagement to the viewers and broadcasters, the same makes some congested feeling in the app (even Smartphones with larger displays, but not with Phablet’s).
Best Mobile Live Streaming App Periscope Vs Meerkat
As the integration of the Twitter is made with the Meerkat app, that simply provides generous twitter replies from anonymous viewers. Hope you know that’s not fun for sure.
Periscope Live Streaming App:
This feature is completely divergent with the interface associated with the Meerkat Live Streaming App. This is mainly due to excellent cleaner interface done with it. This also provides better view of any live videos on the go, clean is really better, right!
Here the viewer list and broadcaster’s name were completely hidden within the menu option, but you can access the same by swiping your hand left in the app. Apparently you can get the viewer number and their comments at the bottom of the app, which escapes from your eyes after few seconds of video playback progress. However, the name of the broadcaster is not that easy to negotiate from the screen!

Features of this Live Streaming App:

When we compare the features of this Live Streaming App, both the Periscope and Meerkat has their respective optimistic approach, along with some negative aspects. Archiving the video clips from various broadcaster of your interest is the major advantage with the Periscope app comparing the Meerkat Live Streaming App. Although you can get the save my broadcast option with the Meerkat, you can’t share the same out of the app, real nuisance for me. Let’s hope, this feature will change its limitation in the future. If you are a broadcaster of videos, you can schedule the same effectively using the Meerkat app, so that your fans will get prior notification about the event.
Building a strong fan base is easily possible with the Meerkat app, which is a finer benefit to it over the Periscope indeed.

Quality and Compression of Videos:

Best Mobile Live Streaming App Periscope Vs Meerkat
Video quality is certainly one among the important features associated with live streaming stuffs to get the finest outcome in the rival. Even though the app provides better resolution and quality videos, it exactly depends on your personal internet connection with your Smartphone. As many apps are taken on the roadside or from unplanned locations, getting a perfect frame from it is quite unreasonable for sure.
The frames are becoming further dropping while switching from Rear camera and Front snapper for sure. Both these Live Streaming Apps deliberately feel frustrated in this section. Apart from that, Periscope draws your battery power even higher than its competitor while working with the Wi-Fi or LTE connection (practically verified).

Broadcaster’s Perspective:

In this department, as explained earlier, Broadcasters prefers this app as it is more redefined than its challenger. A full Choke of whinny people is the major frustration associated with this Meerkat Live Streaming App. Most of the people love to broadcast their lifestyle while driving their car using this Periscope, is that that easy and comfortable folks, I don’t think so!

Verdict of Live Streaming App: Meerkat Vs Periscope:

This latest Periscope and Meerkat apps give the same sense of rival between the Instagram and Vine launch, which happened over a year back. For me, these two Live Streaming Apps are one and the same form of telecasting the live video captured by the users across the world, but launched back to back. As many people’s loves to get the crystal view on their app, Periscope wins this area, whilst the fan enriching vote goes to Meerkat. We are interested in getting the user’s perspective about this Live Streaming App in detail. Please don’t hesitate to share your estimation in the comment section.

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