Monday, 16 March 2015

Cards Against Originality- Bring the Expansion Online for Free

For those of you who have never played the game, Cards Against Humanity is a party game. A card game in which on player draws a black card. The black card has a fill-in-the black space. Each player has a handful of white cards. These white cards are “answer cards”. These answer cards range from all sort of crazy answers. Which ever player has the funniest answer is declared the winner.
You are on the go and everyone around is in a good mood. Someone comes up with the idea of playing Cards Against Humanity. Except you cant play right away because no one carried the game’s big black box of cards.You can now play Cards Against Humanity for free on your smartphone, tablet or personal computer. The web app called Card Against Originality has been launched. This game is often referred to as “party game for horrible people”.

All About Cards Against Humanity

Card against humanity
 Cards Against Humanity was created by a group of Highland Park High School alumni. It started off as apart game for New Year’s Eve celebration.  It involved the players writing the most humorous response for a question.  The game then changed to answers being pre-written on the white cars. Cards Against Humanity was financed through Kickstarter.  Cards Against Humanity is available only in North America, Australia and Britain.

Dawson Whitefield: Creator of Cards Against Originality

Card against humanity 0
Cards Against Humanity is a great card game for adult party time. Till now it required you to find the time and sit down and play with your friends. But now you can play the game online. The Canadian designer Dawson Whitefield released Cards Against Originality.
This online app lets you play the game from where ever you have to be.  By building this app on the browser, anyone with an internet connected device can play.  What more? Even friends who do not have smartphones can play via their computer.
 Daswon says:
“The app is intended to fill in when you forget your physical cards”

Here is a Video Featuring how to play Cards Against Humanity

 Cards Against Humanity’s Creative Common License

Cards Against Humanity’s Creative Common License grants anyone the right to download  the game.  This enabled Whitefield to release the online version of the game.  Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 2.0 license allows anyone to use, remix and share the game for free. Just as long as the name is not stolen and sell it without permission. The game has been available as free PDF  download. The download was meant for people who want to make their own cards.

Cards Against Originality: What needs to be done?

The Cards Against Originality is exactly played like the card game that is generally played. The original deck of Cards Against Originality and five expansion slots are at your disposal anytime. To start to play Cards Against Originality, it starts off like this. One of the players needs to set up a game and send the customized linkof Cards Against Originality to the other players online. One of the key players serves as the judge and the other players submit the most relevant card. In other word you can pardy on with Cards Against Originality with just your smartphone or being online. A great way to kill time when you are in the mood for some humor. The app was not available in the website for a long time owing to traffic. But it is available now.
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