Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Gogoro SmartScooter With Swappable Batteries Will Land This Summer

What comes as the greatest challenge to owning electric vehicles is that you have to charge it. Charging can take from minutes to hours, before you can spin it high. But here is the twist in the tale. What if you can swap out the battery that is out of life and replace it with one that is fully charged? What if the replacement could be done is just seconds? The all-electric Gogoro SmartScooter fits the description correctly. The Gogoro SmartScooter was created by former HTC-Executives and totally relies on a network of swappable batteries.
The Gogoro SmartScooter debuted just a few months ago at CES. This Gogoro Smartscooter will launch commercially this summer in Tapei. After following a pilot program, the launch will be made.  The Gogoro Experience Centre is the retail outlet that is all set to show off the Smartscooter’s design and options. It is also supposed to teach the consumers about the GoStation, which is a removable battery vending machine. This vending machine is a part of the company’s Gogoro Energy Network.

All that you need to know about Gogoro

In an effort to implement smarter energy consumption in large cities some groundbreaking products have been released in the recent years. But Gogoro has planned to transform the urban transport landscape completely. A quick look into the components that were launched earlier at CES:
  • A sleek two-wheeled vehicle-“Gogoro SmartScooter
  • New battery swapping infrastructure -“Gogoro Energy Network

Gogoro Energy Network

 The Gogoro Energy Network is is an interconnected system of battery vending machines.  These machines are called GoStations.  This is the place where you drop the spent batteries. You can futher exchange them for freshly charged ones. Though the idea of swapping EV batteries is not new, the company has focussed on scooters. These batteries are designed to be highly modular for high portability. The battery was designed in partnership with Panasonic. The Lithium-ion battery has 25 different sensors, NFC Connectivity and 256-bit security encryption. This security encryption allows only those authorised to use the batteries.

Gogoro SmartScooter: Sneak Peek

 Gogoro SmartScooter-Here’s how the whole thing works

  • First you’ll buy the Gogoro SmartScooter: the one which is specifically designed to use two Gogoro batterie –> Simply lift the seat to access these batteries
  • Sign up for the subscription plan to the Gogoro Energy Network
  • You will then get an accompanying app for both Android and iOS
  • The app gives you interesting statics about the scooter
  • The app gives you the power of adaptable throttle control , customized regenerative braking and ability to track ride details like top speed and range
  • Most importantly the app lets you know when to change your batteries.
Gogoro-SmartScooter  Batteries

 Gogoro SmartScooter: Bottomline

gogoro mob app
The only thing is that the riders can’t charge the Smartscooters themselves. The only way to juice up their ride is to subscribe to the network and swap the encrypted  batteries.  These Panasonic-built batteries are available at kiosks around the city. There is also an app that lets you know when to swap the batteries. It also tells you where to locate the kiosks along with other functions.

Gogoro SmartScooter: Cost and Avaialility

There is no word about the exact pricing. Gogoro will first test the program with 100 riders ahead of its launch to eliminate any bugs. It may also appear around the world later. But as of now it will stick to Taiwan.

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