Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Trusted Voice Smart Lock Option Rolled Out To Android Users

Trusted Voice
Your four digit pin or your lock pattern just doesn’t seem to be safe enough. The Android 5.0 Lollipop  skips the traditional lock system. The lock system that uses facial recognition. This facial recognition system tries to ensure that it is actually you who are unlocking your device.  It also looks on to see if you are connected to a Trusted Device may be a Bluetooth device specifically for this purpose. Google has taken steps to adding a new smart lock. The lock system that we have been looking into for quite sometime. Trusted Voice which makes use of voice recognition to check your identity  and then authorise you to use the device. When Google  Play Services 7.0 came out, there was a partial support for Trusted Voice. It was pretty obvious that the option was to let users to unlock devices. But all the necessary settings in the Google app wasn’t visible. Now rumours are that the fully formed feature has been rolled out to few users. The section under Google app’s settings warns that this Trusted Voice system is less secure.
OK Google_Chanting_Trusted Voice
You can avail the feature by just scrolling or tapping a few options. You are all set to unlock your phone by simply uttering, “OK Google”.

Trusted Voice

This Trusted Voice system of Google has been made available only to few Android users. It starts off when you speak to the phone and say “OK Google” voice command.  With this the voice commands will not be blocked by the lock screen. The Nexus 6  has the voice recognition always turned on. Google in all attempts is making voice commands the central part of Android.

OK Google_Trusted Voice
How secure is the Trusted Voice?
The security aspect of the Trusted Voice is still not very clear. As someone with a similar voice or even a recording of your voice could easily unlock your devices to other people. There have been many cases that reports bypasses of security through facial recognition. The traditional lock screen is always a safer option. It proves that smartlocks are just about adding more convenience to safeguard your information on the phone.
OK Google_Trusted Voice
Trusted Voice has been featured in the latest in apps. Apps that are focussed on unlocking your phone rather than locking it are looking at Trusted Voice as options.  There are also other options to unlock that Google has been adding. Like the Trusted Places that unlocks your phone only when you are near certain places. Places like your home or work and on body detection that keeps your phone unlocked as long as the phone is in your pocket.
OK Google_Trusted Voice
Lollipop only launched with Trusted Devices and Trusted Face. But Google further unbundled some lock screens functions to add smartlocks through Google Play Services.

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