Sunday, 7 December 2014

Just in: Truecaller version 5 brings in call suggestions based on habit

Truecaller rolls out version 5.0 with predictive call suggestions
Truecaller rolls out version 5.0 with predictive call suggestions
The Swedish phone contact discovery engine and caller ID, Truecaller is definitely riding a success wave with the colossal funding package it recently garnered from venture capitalists who are gung-ho about the quite apparent growth potential of the firm that bloomed from humber beginnings in India where it tied up with Nokia. Later came celebrity endorsements and a deal with Twitter and Yelp allowing users to get more information grabbed from these sites to determine the identity of an unlisted caller. 
Not one to limit itself to existent progress rates, Truecaller incessantly hopes to develop an avant-garde utility built around the way we’d want to use our phones. It’s hard to deny that the application has grown to entirely replace the bland phonebook on most of our phones, letting us easily recognize an incoming call thereby delivering us from so much anxiety and confusion. With its geographically diverse user base that has now reached a whopping 100 million in number, Truecaller is here to stay with its expansive repository that boasts of over 1.5 billion number and name match records. The Stockholm reverse phone index company is entirely focused on hiking up the social element with regard to its app. Their philosophy is that the app should be able to connect people with the “contacts they actually know”, rather than the concept of mainstream social networking sites where virtually anyone can add you and contact you. On that note, here comes a new version of the app packing yet another remarkable feature. You are about to get predictive suggestions regarding who you might want to call at a specific time of day which the system will work out thanks to enhanced machine learning capabilities based on combined analysis of time, place and call history.
To aid better understanding of how this feature can make our lives simpler, the company gives a simple example of a person who has made it a habit to drop a call to home at say 7.00 pm every evening while leaving his office. 
Alan Mamedi, CEO, Truecaller asserts that this initiative marks the beginning of efforts towards making the app “more intelligent and personal” The idea seems to be to help remove frictions around an activity that essentially involves getting in touch with a friend or loved one. I personally believe this will work out for most of us absent-minded workaholics who may often get sucked up into a particular task, leading us to forget all other things which could even include important work-related appointments and duties like calling a client every Friday noon. I would like to see more functionality built on this intuitive operation basis like, for instance, predicted missed call sending to augment on the functionality similar to the OneRing service. 
The new Truecaller Version 5 will also get enhanced memory saving implements and easier design that will let users make calls from within the app itself. The upgrade will soon be available across iOS, Andriod and Windows devices.
For More Information

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